Throwback to SportsBiz Europe 2021


Once again (and this is not to our displeasure), we had the opportunity to share our vision with high-level sports professionals at SportsBiz Europe. The event took place in Barcelona, October 18th & 19th.

The topic:
Bringing to Life The future of fan and Athlete experience.


Kyle Bunch: VP Managing Director, Global Sports Venture Studio AT R/GA,


Arthur Bernard: Founder & General Partner at Athletico Ventures ,
Mathieu Lacome: Chief Performance & Analytics officer at Parma Calcio 1913
Christian Lau: Chief Technology Officer at Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC).

On our side, we were represented by our co-founder and COO, David Gonçalves.

They started talking about the fans, focusing on the younger generations and the main challenges to engage with them as their sports consumption is more and more changing. They also tackled the athlete and sports performance aspect, with a focus on the initiatives led by Mathieu and Christian in their respective clubs. Each panelist also had the opportunity to share their vision, what innovation means for them and how we can use it, alongside fans & athletes, to drive new revenue streams. This was a very insightful discussion, brainstorming on what to do to better shape the future of the sport industry.

We are very thankful to SportsBiz Europe for this opportunity to share our thoughts, and we are now looking forward to organizing other panels to discuss how to empower the future of sport and entertainment.

About SportsBiz Europe: 

SportsBiz Europe LIVE is one of the meeting point for the sports business sector, with a distinctive stamp of qualified networking, in a casual and inspiring atmosphere. A hybrid format that combines top-quality international speakers & attendees and a face-to-face networking session.

About LaSource:

LaSource is a B2B agency based in Paris, focused on sport, digital and technology. Since 2019, we have been helping hand picked and high potential startups to expand their business and premium technology across the European Market. And as sports organisations are going through a digital transformation, we have created a model that gives them access to new innovative and digital solutions to meet their strategic objectives


SportsTech Belgium & LaSource


MEET WITH THE TEAM #3. Interview with Jean-Baptiste Alliot, our Chief Strategy Officer